I'm back with THE FIRST GAME INVENTOR!!! :-D
TaconesSinTapas challenged The Game Inventor with this request: a Tomato must Eat in a Fridge when the user Presses a Key to Become Ketchup.
For this game, I choose to play with the angular velocity of the tomato.
Again, I used the fast physaxe library to build add static objects to the world and I added some graphics on top of it. The news about this game is that all the background graphics are loaded from a resource file created with swfmill.
The program I used to draw the background is another great open source application: InkScape.
I saved the InkScape file as a standard SVG and I wrote the resource.xml file.
I compiled it using
swfmill simple resources.xml resources.swf
Remember to add the
-swf-lib resources.swf
To play the Salsa haxe game, use the left and right arrows keys to change the angular velocity of the tomato.
Remember: you MUST eat all the 5 aubergine slices before to enter in the blender.
Post your Best times as comments of this post ;)
Mine is 41 seconds!
To request your game, go to The Game Inventor page.
I also publish the source code hoping you'll find it useful. ;-)
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TaconesSinTapas challenged The Game Inventor with this request: a Tomato must Eat in a Fridge when the user Presses a Key to Become Ketchup.
For this game, I choose to play with the angular velocity of the tomato.
Again, I used the fast physaxe library to build add static objects to the world and I added some graphics on top of it. The news about this game is that all the background graphics are loaded from a resource file created with swfmill.
The program I used to draw the background is another great open source application: InkScape.
I saved the InkScape file as a standard SVG and I wrote the resource.xml file.
I compiled it using
swfmill simple resources.xml resources.swf
Remember to add the
-swf-lib resources.swf
line to your compile.hxml file before to use the resource from your code with
Remember: you MUST eat all the 5 aubergine slices before to enter in the blender.
Post your Best times as comments of this post ;)
Mine is 41 seconds!
To request your game, go to The Game Inventor page.
I also publish the source code hoping you'll find it useful. ;-)